
Filter Special Guests

Max Grover, Artist

(Airdate: August 6, 2021) Larry Stein interviews artist Max Grover about his new exhibition, New Paintings, Old Drawings,at the NorthwindArts Grover Gallery.   The exhibition is up until Aug 29. Grover Gallery on Taylor Street, across from the Rose Theater.

Len Enders

(Airdate: June 25, 2021) Len Enders is a visual historian.

Nhatt Nichols

(Airdate: June 25, 2021) Nhatt Nichols is the Leader’s cartoonist.

Jonathan Evison

(Airdate: June 11, 2021) Jonathan Evison on his new novel and general musings.

Will O’Donnell

(Airdate: June 11, 2021) Will O’Donnell and Michelle Sandoval with a therapy session.

Bruce Cowan

(Airdate: May 21, 2021) Bruce Cowan on filing day in Jefferson County, and the Sequim insurrection.

Brian Kuh

(Airdate: May 21, 2021) Brian Kuh on Jefferson County coming back to life as the pandemic wanes.

Larry Stein

(Airdate: May 14, 2021) KPTZ’s 10th Birthday!

Ruby Fitch

Ruby Fitch and Birthday Boy Larry Stein!