

Radio Connects Us All

KPTZ is staying at Fort Worden

Sage at 305

Recent news about the end of Fort Worden Hospitality has raised broader concerns about the future of all organizations based at Fort Worden State Park. Things are in flux, and that uncertainty is feeding misinformation. The truth is that despite the uncertainties, KPTZ remains committed to our mission to serve this community from our studios in Building 305 on the Fort Worden campus. We will continue to collaborate with friends and neighbors, including the other organizations here at Fort Worden, plus working closely with Washington State Parks, to navigate these challenges and ensure a strong future for this park and our part of the world.

We commend Centrum and other campus partners for their proactive efforts to ensure the continued success of their programs in this difficult environment. We have every expectation there will be a successful Centrum 2025 season and we plan on broadcasting live from the lawn for Free Friday’s at the Fort. There are just two ingredients in community radio. Despite all the technology involved, some days the radio part is the easiest one to add to the mix. So on behalf of everyone who makes Radio Port Townsend possible, thank you for listening to and supporting KPTZ. Stay tuned.

County Connections

(Airdate: January 24, 2025) This week on County Connections, cohosts Jim Burke and Commissioner Heidi Eisenhour welcome Public Works Director Monte Reinders, P.E., County Engineer. They discuss progress on the Port Hadlock Sewer project, and roads in Jefferson County, especially the recent washout of the Hoh Road and the financial obstacles that stand in the way of that repair.

Brewocracy Now ~ 1/23/25

KPTZ’s Taylor Clark was joined by Port Townsend Mayor David Faber and Director of Public Works Director Steve King as we discussed plans for road repair in the city. We talked about grants, ditches and drainage, substrates, chip seal, hot mix, asphalt, gravel, glacial till, and why our roads need so much work. We also heard some details about that flooding out on Hastings a few weeks ago and how it got fixed.

Brewocracy Now ~ Thursday

KPTZ’s Taylor Clark and co-host Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro get together each week to discuss all things Port Townsend during “Brewocracy Now”. Tune and find out who their guest will be! Live from 12:30 to 1pm on KPTZ 91.9FM. Questions may be sent to during the show.

#707 Learning Bird Songs by Ear

(Reprise Airdate: January 22, 2025) Join host Nan Evans as she heads into a local forest with another Nature Now host, Jackie Canterbury. Jackie will help Nan and listeners learn to better identify birds by ear and understand some of their special behavior.


(Airdate: January 20, 2025) Today’s Attention Please! discusses the sad state of Port Townsend roads, how the problem started, and future steps to improve the situation. Port Townsend Mayor David Faber and Public Works Director Steve King discuss a new road improvement tax that starts the process, among other topics.  Additionally, it appears that buying online actually benefits local road rehabilitation. Hosted by Charlie Bermant.