

Radio Connects Us All

Party at the Fort Playback

KPTZ listeners and volunteers enjoyed a festive Friday night, June 1, at Fort Worden’s USO Hall, with long sets of funk music from opening local act Lowire and Seattle-based headliner Polyrhythmics. Thanks to all who came out in support of your party station, KPTZ!

One highlight of the evening was the preview of KPTZ’s new brew, the KPTZ Fortifier APA (American Pale Ale), to be made and marketed by Port Townsend Brewing Company. A portion of each keg or bottle sold will go to the station’s capital campaign, just kicking off to raise funds for KPTZ’s planned move in 2 years into Building 305 on the Fort Worden campus.

Event admissions, along with our sponsor New American Funding and a host of KPTZ Board members and volunteers, made this event happen. If you missed dancing with us that evening, stay tuned for KPTZ’s Party on the Pier at the other summer bookend, Labor Day weekend.