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KPTZ 2.0 Comes Alive

KPTZ 2.0 Comes Alive

I’ve been asked why we are having a one-day fundraiser on Thursday April 5, and particularly if the funds raised are destined for our future Fort Worden facilities. The short answer is that we need more money to build our organization in preparation for moving to Fort Worden.

KPTZ is entirely supported by our listening audience including local businesses. Our audience will only donate to KPTZ if we ask, so we are giving our listeners (including you) another opportunity with a very special day of programming.

KPTZ Comes Alive highlights one key aspect of our future studios: the greatly enhanced capacity to broadcast live performances in a studio designed for this purpose. Our future home also will have space to have a staff newsperson, crucial for developing a daily news program to serve our community, but we need to increase sustainable support from our members and new donors to afford a reporter.

So no, this fundraising day is not part of our KPTZ 2.0 building campaign. It’s part of our campaign to grow our listening audience and our service to community. Our ambitious goal is to raise $10,000 in one day.

Thank you so very much for your support of your community radio!


Robert Ambrose
KPTZ General Manager
President, KPTZ Board of Directors