KPTZ’s Emergency Team is prepared in case of any major emergency. On Thursday, October 15 our Team will participate in the annual Great ShakeOut Drill, set for 10:15am. When the alarm sounds during Thursday’s Discovery Road hosted by Tim Quackenbush, KPTZ will interrupt to present special programming featuring information about what will happen in the event of an emergency, and what to do.

In case of actual emergency, and for Thursday’s drill enactment, everyone is encouraged to tune into 91.9FM for up-to-date information about the situation. On October 15 at 10:15am, Tim will present special programming from KPTZ News Reporter David Cunningham, featuring members of the station’s Emergency Team. Team Lead Barney Burke and on-call member Peggy Myre will phone in from the Jefferson County Emergency Operations Center, adding to the discussion.

To participate in Thursday’s ShakeOut Drill, please take a minute out of your busy lives to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.” This exercise is simple, but should not be underrated. Wherever you are Thursday morning at 10:15am, DROP under a sturdy table, desk or chair. COVER your head and your neck. HOLD ON to the object you are taking cover under to prevent it from moving over you.

If you are outside, move clear of any building facades, trees, and power lines that might fall. If you are driving, slow down and pull off the roadway until the shaking stops. If you are in a tsunami evacuation zone (up to 50 feet above sea level), once the shaking stops, grab your go kit and head to higher ground. The ShakeOut is a great opportunity to practice your route.

For more information on emergency preparedness or to sign up for Jefferson County Emergency Management’s Nixle emergency text alerts, go to or text JEFFCODEM to 888777 to be automatically enrolled.

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