

Radio Connects Us All


Near and Far / Kani-Ma

DJ Kani-ma spins Near and Far – featuring multi-cultural, folk, and ethnic music from around the world, local musicians, and musicians that have passed through our very own Port Townsend – many of whom she has seen perform live. She is passionate about music and community radio. She believes in supporting musicians through attending live performances, buying their music directly, and sharing their tunes on our “authentic, eclectic,” KPTZ. Kani-ma has had her ears tuned into radio all of her life and was inspired in her early years by Tom Donahue at KSAN in San Francisco (coincidentally the father of fellow DJ Buzzy Donahue), KPFA in Berkeley, and KUT in Austin. She curates her playlists mostly from her own extensive collection. In her spare time Kani-ma likes to dance, watch films at The Rose Theater, support the arts, ride her bike, and share the love! Email Kani-ma.

Our Working Waterfront / Chris Bricker

Every other Tuesday (5:30-6pm) and Sunday (noon to 12:30pm), alternating with Community Tides, Chris Bricker joins co-hosts Eron Berg, Port of Port Townsend’s Director, along with Port Commissioner Pam Petranek to bring you updates, characters, artisans and stories that surround our busy Port and Maritime Community.Previously for eight years, he was music host for Morning on the Salish.

An actor and performer for many years, Chris Bricker is a graduate of the Ringling College of Clowns, class of 1971 and worked with Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey Circus for three years. He is also a saw-playing member of AFM, Local 1000 (acoustic traveling musicians union). Contact Chris.

Community Tides / Chris Bricker

Every other Tuesday (5:30-6pm) and Sunday (noon to 12:30pm), alternating with Our Working Waterfront, Chris Bricker joins co-host Siobhan Canty, president and CEO of Jefferson Community Foundation to explore new developments and new paradigms as they talk with creative and innovative citizens who do good work throughout Jefferson County and the Peninsula. Previously for eight years, he was music host for Morning on the Salish.

An actor and performer for many years, Chris Bricker is a graduate of the Ringling College of Clowns, class of 1971 and worked with Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey Circus for three years. He is also a saw-playing member of AFM, Local 1000 (acoustic traveling musicians union). Contact Chris.

Dudebabe Radio Hour

What is there to do on a Thursday night? Listen to dudebabe radio hour, that’s what! Join me, Rachel Smith, every Thursday from 10pm to midnight for a vast variety of eclectic music, a lot of giggling, as well as local guests. Don’t worry. It’s totally worth it, no matter how tired you are for work the next day 😛
Email Rachel.

Vortex Four / Theo

A receiver must be like a transmitter. In here, there is infinite storage space for refracted light patterns. Meditate on this at second level. Vortex Four airs 4-6pm Saturdays. Email Theo.

Rocket Surgery / Charlie Bermant

Rocket Surgery / Charlie Bermant

Charlie Bermant performs Rocket Surgery every week, 3-5pm Mondays, featuring rare and archival selections from the artist we all know and love. That is, unusual music from the usual suspects that provide the rest of the story. Sort of like the Paul Harvey of the nonprofit radio community. This musical landscape is littered with surprises, from a time where an album was a cohesive work of art, rather than a random sequence of mp3s. Tune in, or else. Email Charlie

County Connections / Jim Burke

County Connections / Jim Burke

Join host Jim Burke and a rotating roster of co-hosts for discussions about what is going on with Jefferson County Government and the work they do for the county. Similar in format to Brewocracy Now! that addresses the City of Port Townsend, County Connections features a different County commissioner each week, along with special guests from County departments or the community.

Class Reunion / Jerry Osborne

Class Reunion / Jerry Osborne

In 2014 Jerry created The Class Of ?? for KPTZ-FM and that ran through 2018. Each of those shows is now heard every Sunday at 2pm, on the Class Reunion.

For a more comprehensive recap of Jerry’s many music-related projects and productions, click here.

Donn at Night / Donn Trethewey

Donn at Night / Donn Trethewey

A new show with an old host. Donn At Night features pieces from Donn Trethewey’s collection of music — same as the old Cardboard Box program (reprises of Music from That Cardboard Box are currently airing Mondays, 8-9:30am). Bartok to the Beatles and everything in between. Will the old, official, band of the Cardboard Box program, show up (The Rolling Stones)? Would a betting person bet the farm that they wouldn’t? Tune in to find out. Contact Donn.

Musical Fruit / DJ Goodwoman

Musical Fruit / DJ Goodwoman

Musical Fruit is an effervescent morning show, airing Thursdays from 9:30-11am that affirms non-linear, zoot-suit states of mind. DJ Goodwoman plays jump blues, rhythm and soul, chanson, exotica, swing, indie folk (old and new), stirring tunes from whatever genre, and rock ‘n’ roll in all its iterations. Your intrepid host also promises tarot readings, saxophone spotlights, cuts from the weird and wild vault, oddball and/or worldly insights, and interactive toe-dips into the realm of pure imagination. 

DJ Goodwoman moved to Port Townsend right before the pandemic. She was born in the general vicinity, left for quite awhile, and then felt called to return – to live by the sea, with the trees, in the wind. She’s wanted to be a DJ since she was 9 years old. Dreams do come true! Email DJ Goodwoman